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Twitter finally officially announces exceed the ceiling of 140 characters

As noted so a few days ago announced social Twitter communication network yesterday evening for a radical change in its position, and it comes to the most important site laws and is the ceiling of 140 character Tweets, and despite the fact that Twitter has not definitively dispense with this rule, but it has added a private in the exceptions this regard.

Among the most important obstacles users face on the social networking Twitter site remains the ceiling of 140 characters for the Tweets, and is something which does not encourage many people to write and call on the site, and it seems that Twitter understood this but PHP same time do not want to permanently give up this condition is what pushed to reach a compromise.

Twitter announced what was different media have indicated in recent days, where he will Twitter Ptlin ceiling of 140 base character in each Tweet, where he will try the site to give more space for users by not counting some of the media that she was taking an important area of ​​whether it is the names of the users, for example, "@ professional" or moving images as well as videos and opinion polls as well as links and

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